Tuesday, November 28, 2006

14 Days of Homeschooling

To the tune of "Twelve Days of Christmas."

On the first day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Can you homeschool legally?"

On the second day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"

On the third day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"

On the fourth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "What about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"

On the fifth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "YOU ARE SO STRANGE! What about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"

On the sixth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "How long will you homeschool, YOU ARE S0 STRANGE, what about P.E. , do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"

On the seventh day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE!, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, do you homeschool legally?"

On the eighth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E. do you give them tests, are they socialized, do you homeschool legally?"

On the ninth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "They'll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE!, what about P.E. do you give them tests, are they socialized, do you homeschool legally?"

On the tenth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "What about graduation, they'll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE!, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"

On the eleventh day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "I could never do that, what about graduation, they'll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"

On the twelfth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Can they go to college, I could never do that, what about graduation, they'll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, What about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"

On the thirteenth day of homeschool I thoughtfully replied: "They can go to college, yes you can do this, they can have graduation, we don't like the prom, we do it cuz we like it, they are missing nothing, we'll homeschool forever, WE ARE NOT STRANGE!, We give them P.E., and we give them tests, they are socialized, AND WE HOMESCHOOL LEGALLY!

On the fourteenth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "How can I get started, why didn't you tell me, where do I buy curriculum, when is the next conference, WILL PEOPLE THINK WE'RE STRANGE? I think we can do this, if you will help us, we'll join a sports team, and we'll homeschool legally."

Friday, November 17, 2006

Photo Shoot

Amazing how fast kids grow up ! The biggest disadvantage of HSing is that the "photo people" don't come to my house every year like they go to schools. Granted - school pictures often come out lousy. Either the kids just got out of gym class and look a mess or the photographer can't get them to smile. However, by going to school - pictures do get done.

The last time I took Shayna for a professional picture she was SEVEN years old. Pretty bad - huh ! That was three years ago. About 2 weeks ago, I finally got my act together and took her into the a photo place. She gave me a HARD time smiling - but when she finally got around to smiling she took some GREAT pictures !

This is one of my favorites ! It has just enough "tude" that a ten year old is allowed to have.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Where does time go ?

I find it amazing that although we are "at home" we never have ENOUGH time to do all the things we have on our "wish list" of things to do. Could you imagine if Shayna WENT to school and got home at 3 pm and then had homework !

Today was a "finishing" day. We just finished the basket weaving project that we started in EARLY October ! We got back to Biology and our PLANTS experiment. We are trying to get refocused on American History. We planned our King Tut field trip to Philadelphia for September 2007. We finished cleaning the house and laundry (the never ending task !)

Today was all about "catching up". I am not saying we are "catching up" to anyone else. Just with our "own favorite" things. We took A LOT of field trips this past fall - which was GREAT ! However, spending time AT HOME this winter will be a breathe of fresh air.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Letter to Family and Friends: Socialization

This article is borrowed from the BLOG "Life without School" posted on November 2, 2006 by Robin. To see the article in entirety please go to

"Some of you have expressed concerns regarding the “socialization” of our children, and I want to re-assure you about that. We do shelter our children in some ways (as most all parents do, each in our own ways), but we do not isolate them. Our children are definitely individualists, as you have seen, clearly grounded in who they are. Although they can be shy and reserved at times, they can also be very friendly and talkative when they feel connected by a topic of interest. They like connecting with others. Our children are happy in themselves and like their lives."

"Our children play and “work” with others who are different from them, others with whom they must learn to “deal with.” We help them when they need us to help them. They learn to compromise and to stand up for their beliefs, needs, and wants as situations call for. We want them to know how to hear others and how to work with others, but we also want them to know how to say, “No thanks,” “I’d rather,” or “how about we try this” as well as “yes, let’s work together” and “how can I help you” because we want them to learn to know and trust their personal boundaries and to learn how and when to negotiate with others. There are situations where we believe our children need to know that they do not have to compromise who they are to anyone. We want them to know that it is OK to say, “No, I do not want to do that” when a situation calls for that. "

"Our children do not go to school. School is intended to prepare children for life. We're already in the real world living directly in it, learning as we go. We have the best interest of our children at heart, just as we know that you do. We do not send our children to school because we have come to cherish the life we have chosen to live. We cherish the freedom. We cherish the choices that we have. We cherish the life that we are providing our children. It is right for us."

READ THE REST AT http://lifewithoutschool.typepad.com/lifewithoutschool/2006/11/a_letter_to_fam.html

Friday, November 03, 2006

You have got to see this video !


You need to see this vido on this link. It is AMAZING. I didn't dig deep to see the sponsor of this video except that the website is run by a mother who lives in Baltimore who gives parenting advice.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Great Quote !

"My kids only come around once in my lifetime, and they (hopefully) won't be with me forever. I chose to have them, and I choose, freely, to make them and my family a priority in my life. This stage of life won't last forever. While it does, I've climbed on for the ride. "

-David Albert, in "And the Skylark Sings with Me"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It was 70 degrees on October 31 and you are a Homeschooler - so what do you do ?

Picture this.....

Halloween day around 9 am it is already 60 degrees and climbing. The sun is out and there are few clouds in the sky. There is no way you can stay inside on a day like this. There aren't many days this beautiful. You are homeschoolers ... so what do you do ?

You go to Cox Farms with friends for an afternoon of slides, tunnels, pumpkins, hayrides and fun ! That is just what we did on Tuesday the 31st. We arrived just as all those "buses with preschool kids were leaving" and had the place to ourselves. The Booth girls, Jeannette and Shayna ran around like they "owned" the place laughing and enjoying life on this beautiful fall day.

It is good to be young and have the flexibility to play when you need to !