Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Place Where Kids Can THINK and HAVE FUN !

"Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes. "
~ Edgard Varese
US (French Born) composer
1883 - 1965

For the last "school year" every other Thursday a group of local homeschoolers have been getting together to give their brains a good workout. Most people would glance in and say, only they are only playing games. However, that is NOT the case.

A group of parents formed our "Strategy Lab". In Strategy Lab, we guide the children through different types of thinking games and reasoning, thinking, verbal type of problem solving activities. It has been a marvelous success. If you ask any of the children in our group what there kids thought, I feel confident they would say how much they loved strategy lab.

The "games" the children play are either independent, 2 person or group games. They rotate through the games every 20 minutes or so so they get a variety and work different parts of their brain. The children are in limited and carefully chosen "mixed age groups" so that they can help one another get to that "next level">

The team activities provides creative problem-solving opportunities. It’s all about creativity, an often overlooked element in the growth and development of many students. Kids are rewarded "points" for how they apply their knowledge, skills and talents, and not for coming up with the right answer. The children work in teams so they learn cooperation and respect for the ideas of others. They evaluate ideas and make decisions on their own, gaining greater self-confidence and increased self-esteem along the way. Some of these activities include verbal reasoning, thinking outside the box, problem solving, construting objects etc...

Personally, I know Shayna is very sad today is the last day of Strategy Lab for the "year." She can't wait to begin again in September ! It is her favorite part of the week !

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