Saturday, August 19, 2006

We are on our way home...

What a great experience at Emerson. It is hard to believe that 10 weeks ago we left home not knowing the staff. Yesterday as we pulled out of camp, although we were amongst the last of ten people who were left, I exploded into tears. Even though I was so homesick and needed to get home for me, it was so hard to leave.

The night before last, Donnie and I went to a "townie" bar with the counselors for the final farewells. There were other senior staff amongst us who went also. Donnie received the "Camp Dad" award as he was the dad to all the counselors all summer long. I thought we would cry then.

The people we met at Emerson from around the globe are incredible, passionate human beings. We can travel the globe now and visit people who we truly care about. Thank goodness most of them are traveling the USA for the next 8 weeks and are planning to stop into the Metro DC area and stay with us.

For my husband, who has never been to any type of day camp, scout camp or sleep away camp - he has realized he IS a camp person (huge shocker) ! We have been talking about some dreams that can become reality if we choose to act on them ! We shared those with Shayna and boy is she excited ! Watch out - you never know - but we are making plans to continue to make a difference with children !

Home in less than 8 hours ! What a thought !
Donnie, Shayna and I can't wait !

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