Saturday, September 09, 2006

It's FALL... It's SATURDAY.... and we are at the SOCCER FIELD !

It's fall... it's Saturday...Where are we.... at the soccer field !

Today was the FIRST game in the SFL (Suburban Friendship League) for Shayna's "now U12" team. They moved up a division and moved to a different "league" but are still part of Ashburn's Park & Rec Soccer. What does this mean ? Long games (we play now a full 60 minutes), bigger fields (we play now on a full field) and more players (11 vs. 11) !

I am not the typical "soccer mom". In fact I never show up to practice (why bother - my husband is the coach) ! And if I am lucky I show up at the coin toss for games. Finally, I barely say a word during games. All the other parents are screaming, yelling and cheering for their kids. The one time I cheered for Shayna she yelled back at me that it was hard enough having your parent as the coach and that I should tone it down ! I figure that Donnie makes a good enough "soccer dad."

The season began TUESDAY (yes, five days ago) and the first practice was rained out. The second practice was a normal practice, however, Donnie had to coach all the girls how to play 11vs11 INSTEAD of what they were used to 7vs7. So it was more of a "class" on positions rather than a practice. His roster went up to 20 (yes, twenty girls and their parents who wanted HIM as the coach) for 11 players at a time. Trust me, he isn't complaining. But, they certainly didn't have time to practice on the bigger field.

Most of the girls have been on Donnie's team in town soccer or on the "All Stars team". A few migrated from other teams and know Donnie via word of mouth. And a few girls are new to town ! However, they still never played a game as a team.

So, Shayna runs out as captain for the coin toss ! They lose the toss. They begin playing and quickly realize HOW BIG the field is ! They are playing on a full size high school field. They are still babies. The other team only has 13 players (giving them 2 subs). We have all 20 girls (giving us 9 subs). We are in good shape. However, in the first few minutes of the game we are called and they get a penalty kick. Our goalie, Joyce, who is fabulous has her first moment in a "real soccer net" and unfortunately the ball gets passed her.

However, our team re-groups and plays HARD. We dominate the game ! And thank goodness - play very well. We end up winning 2 - 1.

Shayna is playing "stopper" or "sweeper" as her two positions. She will subsitute for goalie when necessary ! Let me tell you - our kid has an awesome foot ! She nails the ball out of the "zone" so well. She has quite a few fabulous saves in todays game ! Very impressive ! I couldn't even believe it. Her body has finally caught up with the rhythm of her brain and she can put 2 and 2 together now.

What a game ! One win down..... 9 games to play !

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