Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Cinderella Unit Study

It amazed me when Shayna asked to study all the different culture's Cinderella's. Why did it shock me ? Well, she is not your "typical" girly-girl and has never really been a "big" princess kid. She did go through the typical four year old stage of dressing like every Disney's princess; however, that was short lived.

So, off to our favorite resource: the public library. We checked out every Cinderella story we could find and requested others. The books came home and she read about 30 different versions of Cinderella over the next few weeks during her "free time."

This week we have put aside all our "school time" (except for math) to work on a lapbook highlighting different Cinderella stories. We did some geography plotting on a world map the countries that these stories came from. We did a minit book on what elements make a Cinderella story - a Cinderella story. We did a short history of Cinderella. We did a few comparision charts comparing/contrasting different stories from different culture. Then we took some "fun Cinderella stories" that aren't from a "culture" and will compare those.

Shayna still wants to do some of the following (we will see what we have time for):
Write Cinderella an "email" with some instant advice.
Reflect on why the story of Cinderella has lasted so long.
Write a letter to one of the other characters from Cinderella and give them advice.
Draw a self portrait as one of the characters in Cinderella with qualities about herself
Make up some Cinderella jokes.
Compare a few books with a Venn Diagram.

I can't wait to see how this lapbook turns out. Shayna has really taken over this one and is doing a fabulous job !

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