Friday, November 17, 2006

Photo Shoot

Amazing how fast kids grow up ! The biggest disadvantage of HSing is that the "photo people" don't come to my house every year like they go to schools. Granted - school pictures often come out lousy. Either the kids just got out of gym class and look a mess or the photographer can't get them to smile. However, by going to school - pictures do get done.

The last time I took Shayna for a professional picture she was SEVEN years old. Pretty bad - huh ! That was three years ago. About 2 weeks ago, I finally got my act together and took her into the a photo place. She gave me a HARD time smiling - but when she finally got around to smiling she took some GREAT pictures !

This is one of my favorites ! It has just enough "tude" that a ten year old is allowed to have.


Anonymous said...

Hi I like it. I will read your Blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eva! Glad to see you have your own writing time.

Happy Holidays!!